What Head Lice Love
February 14 is a celebrated day of love, Valentine’s Day! We proclaim our love, give gifts, and spend the day immersed in its joy. We find all the little things we love and surround ourselves with them, whether it be a loved one or chocolate. In the same way head lice like to surround themselves with all the things they love! Lice, like us have their favorite indulgences and love to infest their favorite things.
Head Lice Love
Head lice are fairly simple creatures, they need a head of hair to survive and are not really picky about whose head they infest. Before it was said that lice preferred clean hair, but lately it has been determined lice do not have a preference, lice just love human hair. Lice love a good healthy scalp to feed off of and making our lives miserable. Direct head to head contact is like a bouquet of roses to head lice. Contact allows them easily to crawl and infest a new host. Long flowing hair not kept up or pulled away is like a love letter to lice. They love hair they can easily find their way onto. Head lice don’t care what type of hair, race, gender, or economic status you are they just love that you have hair and a source for them to feed off.
What Lice Don’t Love
It’s pretty clear that lice’s number one love is hair and a source of food, but for most of us our hair is a source of our love. So, what are we to do? You don’t have to cut your hair or do anything drastic to fend off lice. Just keep in mind the things lice don’t love and can’t live without. For example, lice can’t jump or live without a source for very long. Avoid head to head contact and be careful of items worn or touched by an infested person until it is cleaned. Keep long hair up in up-dos to keep it away from lice. In the same way, those with short hair can wear a hat or ball cap. Learn the facts about head lice and check yourself and your family frequently. Lice’s worst nightmare is someone who knows how to handle them before an outbreak. Most importantly, be prepared and stay calm in case of an infestation and know how to treat lice fast and effectively.
Love Yourself, Lose the Lice
If an infestation occurs, it is important to be prepared and stay calm. Head lice is not your fault or anyone else, they just happen. Remember Valentine’s Day should be about the things you love, not the things head lice love. Let Lice Clinics of America get rid of the head lice fast and effortlessly so you can enjoy a day of love and treats. Our signature AirAllé® medical device uses heat and no chemicals to dehydrate lice in one guaranteed treatment. No longer will lice be able to soak up all the love on your special day! Come see us at Lice Clinics of America and get back to the things you love!
If you have any questions or need a head lice removal treatment, don’t hesitate to contact us. At Lice Clinics of America – Nova which proudly serves Herndon, Falls Church, Arlington, and surrounding areas, we are here to help! Our heated removal process guarantees to remove head lice in 1 quick and safe treatment! Let your kids and family members get back to the things they enjoy! To learn more or to schedule an appointment, visit www.liceremovalnova.com email info@liceremovalnova.com , or call 703-686-5253.